Business Jazz

How to seduce your ideal client - S4 E4



This episode of Business Jazz Podcast is (mainly) about : How to do an elevator pitch to the CEO of your 'ideal potential client'. _________________ There is no perfect way. You need to find your best way. There are some essentials & some desirables. You must find out how to get in touch with the person afterwards  ensure they know how to contact you (if they want to). Give us an example of a successful elevator pitch you've done Paul Paul's elevator pitch story:  to an advertising agency director. Paul eavesdropped on a conversation during a coffee break at a conference in Dublin. (The person in the queue was a director of Arks "one of Ireland's longest-established agencies, with billings of £21 million (€27 million) in 1999 - up from £6 million in 1996".) The Guinness stout account was once held by Arks for more than 20 years. What Paul did led to a contract to provide services to the agency - presentation skills training courses for account managers & creatives. Learning: A queue for coffee's a gre