Shine A Light

Jill and Kate Shine A Light on Fear



Singer/Songwriter duo Jill and Kate met while taking a music class in college, and then went on to sing backup vocals for Kelly Clarkson for six years. Eventually, the two decided to focus on their own career. Jill and Kate have written and released their own music, in addition to blogging and starting their own podcast Girls Just Pod To Have Fun. In this episode, Jill and Kate talk openly about fear, anxiety, and the importance of connecting with other people and sharing stories. This is such a good episode, Jill and Kate have amazing insight. You can find Jill and Kate on Instagram and you can follow their podcast at @GirlsJustPodToHaveFun . Trust me, you will LOVE their podcast! It's all about how life doesn't always go the way you plan it. I also created a playlist that I call "Essential Jill and Kate" if you want to check out some of their music:…/mcaro05/…/1gvEOj4U0OJXUrSTVIigW8…