Negotiations Ninja Podcast

Why Women Have to Embrace a Social Style of Negotiation



Sara Laschever is an authority on the challenges that women face at work. Sara writes about women and work, with a focus on women in negotiation. Why do women struggle to negotiate for themselves? How can they do things differently, feel more comfortable, and be more successful? After writing their first book, “Women Don’t Ask,” Sara and Linda Babcock wrote another book, “Ask for It.” The second book is a how-to of sorts to help women learn to be better negotiators.  But it’s not just a confidence issue; it’s a systemic issue in the workplace. Books like Sara’s are important to help women feel like they aren’t alone—while giving them practical solutions to deal with the issues at hand. In this episode of Negotiations Ninja, we discuss practical ways women can become more effective and successful negotiators. Don’t miss it!  Outline of This Episode [1:32] Learn more about Sara Laschever [3:49] How to ask for the things you want [9:43] Approach a negotiator as an ally [12:57] Women excel at collaboration [13:5