Negotiations Ninja Podcast

Suicide Prevention: What you NEED to Know



Many people are struggling in the midst of the Coronavirus crisis. Some have lost their jobs and were the only source of income for their family. Others have become ill or know someone who has passed away. Many people feel lonely and isolated from loved ones and are struggling with thoughts of suicide. What do you do if a friend or family member is suicidal? What are some suicide prevention tips? What resources are available to guide you? Scott Tillema shares important suicide prevention strategies in this episode of Negotiations Ninja. Do not miss it.  Scott is a Police Lieutenant currently serving as the Department Coordinator of Training and Emergency Services in the Chicago suburbs. Scott spent many years in police hostage and crisis negotiation. Now, Scott works with the Schranner Negotiation Institute as a trainer and with the BigSpeak Speakers Bureau as a keynote speaker. Scott also travels the country speaking to police hostage negotiators, offering insight and training. Outline of This Episode [0:34