Negotiations Ninja Podcast

Powerful Negotiation Strategies and Tactics



The negotiation strategies and tactics that you utilize can make a powerful difference in the outcome of your negotiation. How do you handle objections? What is the focus of your negotiation? Do you ask open-ended questions? Every step of the process is helped by the right negotiation strategies. In this episode of Negotiations Ninja, Alexandra Carter shares her insight into the world of negotiation. Don’t miss it!  Alexandra Carter is the Director of the Columbia Law School’s Mediation Clinic. She is a professor that focuses on teaching mediation and dispute resolution in negotiation. She recently published her book: Ask for More: 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything. Alexandra is a world-renowned negotiation trainer for the United Nations and has taught numerous negotiation workshops to hundreds of diplomats. Her expertise is unquestionable. Outline of This Episode [1:36] Alexandra’s background in negotiation  [2:06] Public negotiations vs. business negotiations [3:41] Shift the focus toward determining the