Negotiations Ninja Podcast

Creating Alignment With Challenging Internal Customers



Antonio Humphreys leads marketing procurement at Adobe and joins us to chat about identifying and solving internal challenges. Antonio helps us dispel the myths around challenging internal customers and what we can do to improve these internal relationships. Spoiler alert! A lot of it comes down to Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Antonio delves deep into the human-centered approach procurement professionals need to take to develop great working relationships with internal customers. From there, understanding the relatable elements that are going to establish a good relationship quicker is going to give you a big advantage. You're developing different relationships internally versus with suppliers and Antonio helps us navigate the waters so they don't have to be so stormy! Outline of This Episode [1:43] Anthony’s background in procurement  [4:19] Why procurement people struggle to create relationships  [9:27] Why it’s necessary to develop emotional intelligence [17:58] How to navigate conflict resolution [20:39]