Phoenix Media Podcast

For The Record - Try Something New (Mugwort)



Gabrielle O'Brien tries Mugwort, considered the ‘universal herb for protection and prophecy’ throughout the ancient world. Dedicated to paganism gods such as Artemis, Mugwort was used for pain and healing, psychic powers and lucid dreaming. In ancient China and Japan, Mugwort was hung in open doorways to rid spirits of disease. The ancient Europeans did the same to ward off evil spirits. In more modern herbalism, Mugwort is used to stimulate and ease menstruation, assist digestion and liver function, expel parasites and relax the nervous system to help with things such as anxiety and stress- But it still commonly used to help the mind relax and increase psychic power to induce colourful and vivid dreams to bring on lucid dreaming and astral projection. So happens when Gabby tries it for the first time?