Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 1 - Quarter Final 2 - Heather Vickery v Tiffany Anne Beverlin



FunkQuest season one playoff Quarter Final between Tiffany Ann Beverlin and Heather Vickery.Bothe these ladies first round opponents were unavailable so this match up really was a battle of the walkovers.Being the lowest ranked Funkster (13) Heather got the ball rolling.Q1. What's the best way to end a conversation.Bit of a normalite question sneaked it's way in.Good answer from Heather - to ask a clarifying question. My answer - to sum things up and repeat things.Going to replace this question - so don't take any notice if you are looking to game the questions.Q2. Tiffany picked Westminster Bridge and got the magic wand question.Her magic wand would get rid of cancer - by visiting the supermarket.Heather was a little more subtle. It would force people to have a third party opinion before they blurt something out.Sounds a bit like mind control to me but it was a FUNKY answer.Q3. Heather picked the pencils and the question is "What was the last photograph you took?"Answer - a tea party and the discussion then