Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Veronica Sordi - the new Imelda Marcos?



Veronica Sordi was the first Italian we had on the show. So that gets a bonus point for starters.​What are the FUNKQUEST rules?Funkquest is a fun interactive online game that features five rounds. Each round consists of ONE FUNKY question.The player​ selects the icon which most tweaks their interest. Each Funky visual has a Funky question.The Funky insight is that the question may or may not be related to the icon.SO potential Funksters have to think on their feet to score points. Points are awarded by me for FUNKY answers...What's so good about FUNKQUEST ​?​Funky Thinkers know that IDEAS only come from free-flowing CONVERSATION.Listening (without prejudice) to new ideas and speakers from outside your usual network truly qualifies as FUNKY.Each question has a strict time limit. So no multi-headed long and complicated self indulgent stories to endure. Just short punchy bite-sized truly Funky ideas, as we GET THE FUNK OUT!Question 1 - Veronica chose the cassette tape. The question is "Tell us about your recor