Your Superior Self

Everyday Awakening- Rev. Dr. Patricia Keel



Rev. Dr. Patricia Keel sees herself as the elder sister, a wise grandmother, guide, and friend on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Before discovering her true path and purpose, she was a successful real estate broker, a fundraiser for non-profits, and a single mompreneur. Emerging from trying to do it all, feeling empty and a little lost, Dr. Patricia had a breakthrough after her second divorce: she found her spiritual heart and her greatest gifts. This new inner calling gave her the inspiration and energy to start a spiritual center in Berkeley in 2000 and get her Doctorate in Ministry at age 56. Since 2006, she has traveled to India 20 times and helped thousands of spiritual seekers awaken to higher consciousness and live extraordinary lives. Whether speaking, teaching, or coaching, her passion is to integrate ancient mystical wisdom with current brain science and offer practical tools for living an enlightened life. Dr. Patricia believes all people deserve to experience joy and happiness and