De La Fit

Beth McGuffin Certified Love Attraction Coach, internationally know Amazon best selling author. De La Fit Podcast Season 4 Ep 51



  Being a single parent and incorporating dating in your life can be a bit of a struggle. Many women may feel a sense of doubt in choosing to go out there because of a messy past relationship, and fear that they may end up in another one that may cause physical and psychological damage to them and their child. It takes a lot to open your heart to the possibility of a new relationship while being a single parent, and if one doesn’t open their heart, they may pass up on an opportunity of a lifetime.  Our guest today is a queen who supports other queens in manifesting the love for themselves and the love they deserve. She is none other than Beth McGuffin she is a Certified Love Attraction Coach, and an internationally know Amazon best selling author, speaker, and workshop leader. Her work as a Book Writing and Creativity Coach provides a unique perspective to her practice as a Certified Love Attraction Coach where she helps marriage-minded women fall in love with themselves and rediscover their Qu