Fredericks Mind Thing

The Bullying Minority



Democracy is designed to allow citizens to present arguments  and debate their merits in the marketplace of ideas. Words, ideas and evidence were to be used to determine policy. What we are experiencing currently is the result of one party being bereft of ideas. The lack of ideas forces them use other methods of persuasion. This explains the increase we are seeing in use of misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories as well as threats of/and actual violence. The Republican Party seems to have decided its best course, at this time, is to deny reality, break the rules as needed and threaten those that point out what they are doing. Fortunately, they are not the majority. Unfortunately, that may not be a guaranty that they don’t gain power over the levers of government. As they have been rather successful in gerrymandering, court packing and the taking of key state offices, particularly Secretaries of State, the likelihood of them achieving  victory is not slight. If such a victory occurs, it is certain