Remember The Fallen

National Vietnam War Kingston Veterans Club



National Vietnam War Veterans Day on March 29th, in perpetuity, at the Oldest Veterans Club in the Nation, honored their very own Vietnam Veterans in their community with Brigadier General Jim Voss doing the Invocation, Dave Matthews with Never Forgotten Memorials as the VNW 50th Commemoration Partner, Whitney Houston performing Our National Anthem, and Kingston Veterans Club Purple Heart Recipient Gaetan "Gator" Dostie " performing the POW/MIA Symbols Performance Table, Sam Elliott's Narration of The Vietnam War 50th Commemoration Video, and Our profound Thanks to All The Vietnam Veterans that attended and just as important, the supporting family members who were in attendant that received the "Surviving Family Member Pin" We would be honored to invite all Vietnam Veterans and Family Members to attend next years event on March 29, 2020