Remember The Fallen

Widow Warrior D.C. Show



A Vietnam Veteran Widow, Proud Mother of 3, one of which is a Navy Officer (USS Nimitz), Author of a book detailing her now 22 year battle with the VA following her Husband's Jim service related death from Agent Orange on 17JULY96 - certified by the VA & VA let's girlfriend take the Widow benefit "DIC" for the last 22 years "FRAUDULENT" from a family of 3, two houses went into foreclosure and a bankruptcy in 2011. POTUS What happened to the promise of Veterans Accountability heads rolling... they all kept their jobs...Have we turned our backs on the WIDOW WARRIOR of Vietnam...come listen to The Remember the Fallen Show with SGT Dave for yourself and consider if our President should address this horrific situation...22 years...COME ON! come listen to find out!