Future Role Model W/natasha Pearl Hansen

Episode 111: David Magida, Founder of TrainAtElevate.com and Elevate Interval Fitness DC



In episode 111, host Natasha Pearl Hansen (@NPHcomedy) welcomes yet another virtual guest from Washington DC, David Magida, owner and founder of Elevate Interval Fitness, author and host of The Spartan Race on ESPN and formerly NBC Sports. We get to know David's extensive backstory as a runner and athlete, and how he pivoted through life and his career until he created his business and unique training program at Elevate Fitness. Ahead of the curve, David and his team in DC have created an extensive online strength and endurance training platform for only $59 a month accessible from everywhere on demand (go to TrainAtElevate.com and buy "Elevate At Home" for only $2 a day). David is also the author of The Essentials of Obstacle Race Training, available anywhere books are sold! Support David's work and virtual business, and go see Natasha Pearl Hansen headline in DC August 7-8 at DC Comedy Loft.Podcast Website: https://www.comedypopupla.com/futurerolemodelFollow us:https://www.instagram.com/nphcomedyhttps://www