Swing-trading With Ryan Mallory

Should You Invest in Stocks at All-Time Highs



The stock market is back at prices that are just below its all-time highs and with it comes the struggle of actually trying to push through and establish new highs going forward. We've seen this story play out now for almost two years, going back to January 2018. Each time we get near all-time highs, or establish marginally higher ATH, we see price, suddenly and harshly, retreat lower. So the question is, at these levels, should you be even be considering any new investments for your long-term portfolio? I discuss that and more in this podcast. Be sure to check out my Swing-Trading offering through Patreon that goes hand-in-hand with my podcast, offering all of the research, charts and technical analysis on the stock market and individual stocks, not to mention my personal watch-lists and regular updates on the most popular stocks, including FAANG stocks, Microsoft and Tesla. This is provided each and every week! Check it out now at: www.swingtradingthestockmarket.com