David Hathaway

God will not fail you (Part 2)



When we are seeking and following God, the source of our supply will never dry up. What I need, what I lack, will not stop the supply of the Anointing Oil of the Holy Spirit and the Bread of the Word of God in my life. The Word of God and the Anointing of the Holy Spirit will never fail me, even in a time of drought. There is never a time when God cannot speak to us, or use us, or work miracles through us. I will show you why. When Elijah prayed, “Let this boy’s soul come into him again” – the Lord heard the voice of Elijah and the soul of the boy came into him again - and he REVIVED! The use here of the word REVIVED (which is connected to our English word ‘revival’) is very explicit in what it means. The child was DEAD. For him to be revived, he had to come back from DEATH to LIFE. When the church has turned away from God and is dead – (much of the church today accepts and tolerates sin) – REVIVAL brings NEW LIFE into what is dead!