David Hathaway

God will not fail you (Part 1)



God will not fail you! We’ve had Covid and the difficult consequences following worldwide lockdowns. Now war in Ukraine. The whole world has changed. Historically the world does go through periodic political, financial, spiritual upheavals. And it never goes back to how it was before. I draw comfort from the story of Elijah. Not just when he called down fire from heaven – but the sheer number of phenomenal miracles that took place in a very short period before that which intrigues me. In 1 Kings 17 Elijah is speaking prophetically, under the command of God: “THE LORD GOD HAS SAID that the barrel of flour and the cruse of oil will not fail until the day that the Lord sends rain.” Elijah, the prophet who commanded the rain to stop, prophesies to the woman, “THE BARREL OF FLOUR AND THE CRUSE OF OIL WILL NOT FAIL YOU…”