Bang The Table Pty Ltd

Episode 29: Adapting Your Engagement During COVID - 19



Dan Popping and the engagement specialists behind adapting the City of Onkaparinga’s community engagement strategy during COVID-19 discuss strategies and tactics to reach residents during a global pandemic. When COVID-19 caused a global lockdown, Council had projects and initiatives planned for 2020, along with engagement strategies to accompany them. COVID-19 threw a wrench in those plans. Onkaparinga quickly adapted to the new reality COVID-19 presented by bringing authentic interview-style videos to their engagement platform along with a survey, online discussion forum, and the Q&A tool. What we’ll cover: -How a genuine and authentic approach to informing residents improves resident comprehension -Organisational and internal adoption -Benefits of using a digital-first methodology, informing engagement strategies well beyond COVID-19 -Increasing participation on your engagement site -How closing the loop improves the quality of resident feedback Tune in as Dan Popp