Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

How to Use Crystals as Bridges to Another World | Mark Bajerski



Energy healer and crystal expert Mark Bajerski explains how you can utilize crystals, including moldavite, tektite and other crystal specimens as a link to other worlds, and dimensional realities. Out of the scores of people Mark Bajerski has worked with over the years, he shares how some of these individuals who have had crystal energy healing with Mark have spoken unknown languages, described colors not of this world and were able to communicate with other beings telepathically. We also discuss… Why there is a current trend of young people talking about their “bad” experiences with moldavite. Mark clears up the confusion! Who are the “moldavite people?” Are they beings from another world, dimension, or spirits long gone? Mark explains how he’s connected with this energy through his work with moldavite. What are the dire messages coming through from some of these stones that we all need to heed? Especially now during this highly advanced technological age? #moldavite #healing #cry