Jerry Banfield

Dating after 50 is easier when you give what you want to get and are willing to try.



Are you or someone you know 50 and looking to date? Whether you are 15 or 50, the principles of dating remain the same. You want to have someone in your life to be in a relationship with. Many people I have come across who are over 50 talk about dating like it's a completely different challenge. Yes, some of the details may change such as the family dynamic, but fundamentally it is the same as at any other point in your life. As you grow older you may become more risk adverse and this can be a serious impediment to dating. Dating involves risk taking. You do not know what someone will be like upon first meeting them or if you will be able to eventually cultivate a relationship, but this is the same at any age. If you are honest about what you want out of a relationship with yourself and the person you are dating, you are much more likely to be happy in the relationship! Do not let your age deter you from dating! Thank you for listening to this and please share what has helped you to get out and date! --- S