Stay Calm Don't Panic

Episode 75: Sleep Disorders & Fall Trends



Teenagers often have a hard time getting enough sleep, which can have negative consequences for every aspect of their lives. Busy schedules are only part of the problem though. Teen brains are actually wired to go to sleep later and sleep longer in the morning. Episode 75 explains why and talks through a few ways to help teens get the sleep they need. Then, don't miss the segments on Fall trends like pumpkin spiced lattes, fashion and teen terms explained! This week's tip for connecting with teens is especially useful. We're sure it will make an impact on all your relationships! . . In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: - KidsHealth: Sleep and Your Teen | Common Sleep Problems - Calm | Headspace - TikTok: Fainting Goats - Urban Dictionary - Birkenstock: The Boston - Instagram: Kirsten Cobabe - Lubbock Christian University: Youth Ministry Degree - LCU Contact: David Fraze  . . Visit our website: Subscribe to get the episodes in your inbox: