It's A Fit Life Creation With Katrina Julia

Ep 155: 7 Ways to Freedom: Beautiful Soul Series



In today's instant and social media world, it is easy to compare someone else's Chapter 7 with your Chapter 1. Social media may help inspire or discourage you depending on your mindset. Keep in mind you see 1%, or a snapshot, of someone's life via Social Media.   Being and becoming an entrepreneur may be the scariest thing we have ever done. Sometimes, we stop ourselves and self-sabatoge because of fears. We all have layers to face of fears of rejection, failure, success and the unknown. Our past successes can hurt us too because we get comfortable and don't stay as hungry or humble.   It's important to remind yourself of the goals you set before for your life and the work it took for you to get here. It helps you relate to others, as well as helps you stay hungry and humble. You may regularly reflect on freedom in all forms like I do.. I've always loved to learn. It started with being motivated by creative, expressive, and time fr