It's A Fit Life Creation With Katrina Julia

Ep 68: How to Jump Start Transformation in a Week: Tips + Tools in Health, Wealth, Biz



How to Jump Start Transformation in a Week: Tips + Tools in Health, Wealth, Biz   We Talk Transformation: 1) Habits: Change and Replace Regularly  Hint: Choose 1 in each area per month.   2) Space: Create More Space 3) Stuff: Clear Clutter 4) Sanity: Take Action to Create Space   5) Tools: a. Health: Herbalife (#1 Global Nutrition), 6 Pack Meal Bags, Plate Joy b. Wealth: Mint, QuickBoooks c. Business: Kajabi,  Live Plan and more!   (Included in various aspect in our experiences Along with hands on activities + how to's + behind the scenes   Plus Time and Location Freedom.       Let's create, transform, and inspire.     What if…   What if you focused on changing and replacing habits?   What if you celebrated your progress step by step?   What if you used lifestyle tools to help make it easier?   What if you took accountability and action to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL?       Imagine the return… Imagine the results…   It is possible to create it. How do I know?   Because I took ALL th