Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep 293 - Hall Of Fame |Purnima Sharma: Achieving The Impossible



Purnima had always struggled with her weight. She was chubby as a child. And even as she grew into a young adult, she didn’t lead an active lifestyle. Years of poor choices started to take its toll. And she found it harder and harder to lose the weight after her pregnancies. She was desperate to make it happen.   So she scoured the Internet for ideas and tried a bunch of things. She tried eating just one meal a day, tried lifting weights at the gym with no direction, tried endless cardio, and she practised yoga. NOTHING worked!    She became confused and overwhelmed by all the information available. And she felt completely stuck. So what happened? The weight kept piling on. And she thought she could do nothing about it. Until… a family member’s remarkable RNT transformation was shared on social media. Seeing Shantul’s photos and reading his story gave her the motivation to try and shift the excess weight for good, one last time. She hesitated at first. But she knew she had to do something.   So she put aside