Nathan, Nat & Shaun

Nathan, Nat & Shaun Podcast - 7th November 2017



Accidentally stealing something - a Perth guy is facing court in Bali today for stealing sunnies which he says was an accident! Callum accidentally stole a slow cooker that his son was sitting on and Claire was too busy on the phone to notice she stole the shoes she was carrying! Justine's mum accidentally walked out with a exercise bike and never used it. Gordon accidentally stole flooring because he thought his wife paid for it! Bruce McAvaney - The sports commentator talked about today's Melbourne Cup, the favourites and drinking and going to the bathroom on the job. Animals that have friends - Andre the pony and Bambi the racehorse are best friends and travel everywhere together. It's so freaking adorable. Moira has a galah and cat who are friends and Erin has a pig whose best friend is a willy wagtail! Deb had chicken and a duck that kept swapping eggs and Maddie has a love bird and a rabbit in a one sided friendship. Luke Jacobz - The TV presenter talked about his new show 'Instant Hotel' and what