Guided Meditation For Sleep.

The Ancient Circle | A Guided Meditation for Relaxing and Sleep



During this guided visualization for sleep, you will experience the beginning of autumn by walking through a wild forest. Eventually, you will end up at a prehistoric stone circle. No one knows why the prehistoric people built stone circles. Still, it's thought they were created as a place for healing, preparation for death, or a celebration of ancestors who had passed away. But today, people gather in stone circles to celebrate the solstices. To worship, heal and connect with the earth. Autumn is possibly my favourite time of year. I love the changing colours of the leaves, the cooler temperatures, the light, and the whispy foggy mornings. And the change of season always makes me think about the passage of time-- how quickly the year has passed and how soon the year will end. So the beginning of this relaxing guided meditation is a brief contemplation of time.  The visualization ends with the AMSR of the twilight forest. If you need creativity or a productivity boost, I recommend you check Magic Mind out at