The Creative Soul Lab: Creativity|Passion|Success|Fulfillment

Ep 95- Why The Method of Your Madness Doesn't Matter To Change Your Life



The Shambles Show is hosted by Shari Teigman Welcome to the Shambles Show where you get a sneak peek into the world of Shari Rambles. Shari, a coach, creative strategist & change instigator who can't wait to ramble with you on Life, on Love, Entrepreneurship and Living Out Loud in all ways- we know you will find a little (or alot!) of yourself in here. You're entering the crazy world of the Inner Workings of what goes on in a Maverick's mind, A blend of soul wisdom, creative spark, feisty know how and an Unapologetic Fiery Passion to Inspire the Mav in You May you start Fires and Forge paths to succeed in Business and In Life In this episode I will explain to you why the method doesn't matter, but focusing on your Maverick madness does to get the results you want!  To learn more about Shari go to Come join Shari on FB to further the conversation at Looking to find your spark again? Come join Shari's monthly membership The Maverick Life Unleashed