Across The Aisle

Ep 52 - Shadow, Give Me Pity!



Across the Aisle attends MIFF! Phil reporting deep from the trenches of all the pleasures of MIFF (queues, choc tops, darting from one venue to the other) and Carla from her loungeroom on the Surf Coast annihilated on edibles. Films covered are Back to Back Theatre's award winning Shadow - a luscious celluloid imagining of their stage plays that "wonders whether an AI-led near-future society will further disenfranchise the disabled community" and the gloriously deranged Give Me Pity! starring Sophie von Haselberg as Sissy St. Clair in her first Saturday Night Special - ingenue, entertainer, demonically possessed.  We also chat cinema going (how do you do it?) and what is Coming Soon. Enjoy!