Ktn: Sharon Lynne Wyeth

KTN: Anthony Traes - Developer of S.T.R.O.N.G. Method



Anthony Treas is an Iraq War veteran, who is on a mission to radically change men's well-being. His mission in Iraq was to provide personal security for U.S. Generals and other govt. officials. Now his mission is to help men reclaim their well-being, sense of adventure, and purpose. Upon his return home, Anthony struggled with PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Desperately wanting to improve his condition, Anthony set out to rebuild his physical state and well-being. With 7 years of experience, research, study, and education, he developed the S.T.R.O.N.G. Method, a proven step-by-step process his clients use to eliminate anxiety to regain control over their physical and mental well-being. Now, for legal reasons, we are not giving any health advice tonight. We are going to explore how Anthony learned to reduce his stress levels and how he realized, after sharing his techniques, that his techniques worked for others also. I have found Anthony to be a man of great character who has a strong desire to live life to t