Media Roots

The 2001 Anthrax Attacks 21 Years Later & How the Hoax Letters Prove a Conspiracy



Robbie Martin is joined by Max aka Compostghoul, a researcher and Media Roots collaborator who has been working with Robbie to turn previous Media Roots anthrax investigative podcasts into long form written pieces. They start by giving their opinions about what was good and bad about the new Netflix documentary: Anthrax, In the Shadow of 9/11. Halfway through the podcast Robbie and Max emphasize how the recently unearthed abandoned St Petersburg hoax letters thread alone undermines the entire FBI case about Bruce Ivins, possibly the strongest evidence point at the current moment that proves that the anthrax attacks must have been the work of at least 2 individuals, but probably more. In the last third Robbie throws out darker possibilities for suspects, including the liklihood that whoever conducted the 2001 anthrax attacks had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks and was planning the anthrax attack before 9/11 actually occured. Robbie mentions several crucial previous Media Roots works on the 2001 anthrax at