The Boom Boom Performance Podcast

687 - How Long Should You Be Resting Between Sets? (Research Review w/ Dr. Brandon Roberts)



Today’s episode dives into what science says about one of the most common training questions we get as coaches… How long should you rest between sets? Generally speaking, short rest periods reduce the amount of reps you can do in subsequent sets. Longer rests 3 are better for developing strength and when you're training at high intensities to failure. For hypertrophy, you are free to choose your rest interval. You can choose shorter rests, but you have to account for things like:  Study 1: Shorter rest intervals resulted in greater reductions in the number of repetitions completed and higher RPE scores for all exercises -  Senna et al., 2011 - compared 1, 3, and 5 minute rest intervals and found that shorter rest intervals reduced total # of reps. Study 2: A meta-analysis - Grgic 2017 - found that rest intervals > 60 seconds resulted in almost double the hypertrophy of < 60 seconds. However, there weren’t a lot of studies so we have to take that with a grain of salt. Study 3: Short rest intervals might work b