Manga Mavericks

#Lum Squad #09: "Doesn't Anyone Here Love Each Other?"



Hello, darlings! Welcome back to #LumSquad, a podcast hosted by @LumRanmaYasha and @ProdTally devoted to the wonderful and wacky world of Rumiko Takahashi’s Urusei Yatsura! Our discussion on Urusei Yatsura Volume 10 was so long we had to split it up across multiple recordings for different parts! This discussion is an interesting mix of different recordings in of itself, because we had originally discussed the first two chapters in this episode, the “Love Letter Trouble” two-parter, at the tail end of our previous recording that you heard in our last episode, and our discussion of the remaining chapters in the volume was split down the middle into two different recordings because of an audio mishap on AC’s end that froze his Audacity during our discussion of the “Lover Thief” two-parter. All this to say that this episode is still kind of a weird frankenstein of different recordings, which is why you may hear some differences in the audio during different parts of it. That said, I think the sum of these part