Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 31: My Hero Academia Q&A Extravaganza!!



Rounding off our My Hero Academia podcast trilogy is this long-awaited Q&A special! We received so many questions for our Manga Fight we couldn't possibly use them all, so we organized this special episode to answer them! Both Jeff Ruberg and Doctor return to give their takes on your questions, and what results is the realization that all podcasters are evil, Stain is best girl, Mineta should make a Spirit Bomb out of sticky balls, and lots of lucrative ideas for ScrewAttack! Before we get to all that we have to cover the news first, but because Colton abandoned the podcast to go to Anime St. Louis to buy cigarettes, I had to find another co-host for the week. Thankfully, that scumbag VLordGTZ just happened to be in the room so I pulled him over, sat him down, and forced him to talk about the latest happenings in the manga industry for fourty-five minutes. We discuss how confusing Yu-Gi-Oh! is now, dance on Fairy Tail's grave, and speculate on the Attack on Titan/Madagascar crossover that is totally defi