The Travelers

159: Who Can You Be? with Captain and Clark



In your travels, do you ever feel like you're somebody else? Like you might be stepping temporarily into someone else's shoes? And if so, who is this fleeting person? How are they different from you? Or more importantly, how are they the same? What can you take home from this persona to fold into your own identity? What can we learn about ourselves? How can we grow?  Christopher Staudinger and Tawny Clark met while summiting Mount Kilimanjaro — he from Washington, and her from Hawaii. Together they form the prodigious minds behind Captain and Clark, media producers and award winning travel bloggers. They’ve worked with Matador TV, Marriot, The New York Times, Lonely Planet, and more. Currently they’re serving as members of Expedia’s Viewfinder program. They bring an aspect of performance and thoughtfulness, plus humor and energy, to their work - and travels - that I thought was artistically interesting and also fun, two things that - for me - comprise the spirit of travel. Today, we’ll dive into their story: