The Travelers

96: Find and Live Your Legend with Scott Dinsmore



Today’s guest bills himself as an entrepreneur and an explorer, and is definitely a man after my own heart. As such, Scott Dinsmore is the guy behind Live Your Legend, a revolution of people out to change the world by doing work they love. On there, Scott talks about finding the work that makes you come alive — as well as adventure and exploration of both the world, and the day-to-day. In other words, he’s out to help you solve the problem of feeling stuck in the dull nagging ache of routine. Back in May, on the cusp of a trip to Greece with his wife and friends, he wrote an article called Train Yourself for Everyday Adventure — and it was exactly in tune with this show, and my own personal beliefs about the effects of travel and their value to the individual and society. I also want to tap into Scott’s expertise to help anyone listening here, interested in or setting out to build a life of travel — about how to get started or identify that they’re on the right track. Explore further: Live Your Legend @_Sc