The Travelers

83: Taking a Leap Into a Life of Travel with Rachel Johnson



Today’s guest recently quit her job to take the plunge and make travel a bigger priority in her life. Rachel Johnson and her husband couldn’t resolve their conflicting work schedules so they did what any perfectly rational couple would do: They both quit. Now they’re moving to Kuwait City, of all places, to teach english and feed their curiosity and explore an amazing and complex part of the world that scares many people to even visit. They’re writing about their experience over at The Might as Wellers. I’m excited to shake things and bring someone on the show who’s just beginning to take the steps necessary to make a life of travel, what’s exciting her, what’s scaring her, and how they’re making it happen together as a couple rooted in their lives here in the States. Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Soundcloud or TuneIn What We Cover: Why Rachel and her husband are moving to Kuwait City, why the Middle East, and what's waiting for them there What's exciting Rachel the most right now about taking the le