The Travelers

82: Exploring Your Culture Through Food with Sarahlynn Pablo



Sarahlynn Pablo is a food and culture writer who covers the food scene in her home city of Chicago, which is an enormous and delicious food scene to cover — while also exploring her heritage as a second generation Filipino-American citizen. Sarahlynn is a contributor to multiple books on both the topic of Chicago food and Pinoy culture, and how travel and culture come together beautifully through the expression of food, and why this matters. We really connected on these topics - so I’m thrilled to have her here with us today to share her story about the discovery of self-identity, finding belonging through the exploration of travel and food. Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Soundcloud or TuneIn What We Cover: How giving herself the permission to travel to Paris by herself changed her life How Sarah has found a home in both the States and the Philippines after struggling through it all The way Sarah uses food to connect the gaps within the exploration of her own culture, and how you can find this in any