The Travelers

77: How to Get Started Travel Hacking with Stephanie Zito



Stephanie Zito’s travels have taken her to over 100 countries. She is a wanderer, humanitarian, storyteller, business founder, evangelist for good, and all around beauty-seeker whose love of travel and involvement in relief and development have taken her to far flung places where she’s found purpose in helping the people of the world - which if you listen to this podcast, then you probably know that’s where I believe all the best stories happen. She’s lived in Cambodia, where she founded Cloud Color Hammocks, a beautifully colorful line of hammocks, volunteers to help children. She gives $10 every day to someone trying to make a difference in the world as part of the Give10 campaign which she founded and writes about on her blog, And she’s also a master travel hacker with 20 years of experience earning and redeeming frequent flyer miles to help her get out, seek beauty and do the amazing things that she does in her life of travel. And she teaches and encourages others to do the same. So