The Travelers

71: Jill and Josh Stanton’s Life of Travel – Part 2



This is part 2 of my conversation with Jill and Josh Stanton from Screw the Nine to Five. Listen to Part 1. Jill and Josh Stanton are the digitally nomadic couple behind Screw the Nine to Five, where they are helping you devise an escape plan to move closer to new possibility and adventure in your daily life. These two quit their 9-5s for a life that made travel a bigger priority, and moved to an island in Thailand for a couple months to design a new lifestyle that would help them create work that would support a life they wanted, rather than hold dearly on to a job that dictates their routine at the expense of their personal fulfillment. Since then, they’ve lived and worked in Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, the Philippines, China, Australia, New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Portugal, Chicago and San Diego. Truly a life of travel. I wanted to get Josh and Jill on the show to ask them about what inside of them inspired the decision to actually move to Thailand, something that s