The Travelers

61: Location Independence in Saigon with Jon Myers



“I draw a parallel to Paris during its literary golden age, when everyone went there to write their great novel. A lot of people are coming to this particular city to work on their next great startup.” Today’s guest continues our exploration into the reality of what it means to be location independent, or a digital nomad, which is different for each of the people we bring on the show who are living and working anywhere they choose. Jon Myers is a User Interface designer - which is a nuanced version of a web designer, that focuses on the visual aesthetics of how a website coheres around an overarching vision. He makes things not just look good, but appear to work fluidly. As a designer myself, I’m excited to pick Jon’s brain about how he took those skills to create a life that incorporates regular, ongoing travel - and why he chose this path rather than take a job somewhere, or simply freelance from home. Jon’s also a believer in what he is doing is something bigger than himself, something bigger at play — an