The Travelers

43: Finding Happiness in A Life of Travel with Matt Long



When Matt Long was a little kid, he memorized the geography sections of the world from the old Peanuts encyclopedia. He had the flag of Scotland hanging on his wall. Flash forward to 2010, and Matt was miserable as a lobbiest for a non-profit in Washington DC. He started his blog, and two years later, he reached a point where he could take the blog full time. Within a short time, he found out what he wanted to do in life and how to make it happen: A life that makes travel a bigger priority. Today, he runs where he writes about his travels and works with luxury travel brands, understanding that most people can't take more time than the two weeks they have to travel. On this episode we discuss his life of travel, why he's made it a reality, and his best travel advice. Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Soundcloud or TuneIn What We Discuss How Matt left his career to start a career in travel writing, blogging aExploring the world is one of the best educations you can get. Why Tr