Pri: Living On Earth

Hispanic Heritage Month: Powering Puerto Rico With the Sun, Many Hazards for Farmworkers, Ecological Farming, and more



Puerto Rico’s antiquated power grid has repeatedly failed catastrophically after hurricanes. Rooftop solar offers a more reliable way to power the island. Also, as extreme heat, wildfires, and severe storms intensify, the already hazardous work of farmworkers is likely to become even more dangerous. But these essential workers continue to be excluded from crucial safety protections. And young Puerto Ricans are working to improve the sustainability of farming on the island by applying ecological concepts to mimic the way nature works while growing food. -- Support for Living on Earth comes from maude. Get 15% off your first order using the code LIVINGEARTH. Support also comes from the I Am Bio podcast, with powerful stories of biotech breakthroughs, the people they help, and the global problems they solve. And you’re invited! Join the Living on Earth Book Club and the New England Aquarium on October 13th for an online chat with bestselling science writer Ed Yong about his fascinating new book, “An Immense Worl