
346: 5 Ways to Quit Dieting



If you throw out your scales after listening to this episode. Let us know!Can you believe we started it in 2015! If you've been listening for a while now, you'd know that we have a long history of dieting. Quitting dieting was one of the best decisions we've ever made. In this episode, we share 5 ways to quit dieting.This is what we spoke about during the episodeDiet culture keeps us small and solely focused on how we look. There's so much more to life than this.Throw the scales away. You don't need to weigh yourself every day. Your weight fluctuates in the seasons of life.Unfollow people who make you feel like you need to transform your body in some kind of way. Stop body checking, you know that habit of checking the mirror to see if you're thinner or bigger.Allow yourself to feel. It's not about ignoring the feelings that come up around your weight, food and dieting. It's more about being aware and knowing that these thoughts are not forever. And acknowledging that your weight does not define you.