
345: 5 ways to let go of self-doubt



Do you often doubt yourself and feel like you're not good enough? We chat about 5 ways to let go of self-doubt, they're all simple.This is what we spoke about during the episodeStop comparing yourself to other people or to the perfect version of yourself or to your past self. Letting go of this habit will change your life in the most amazing ways.Zoom out! Take a bird's eye view, don't zoom in on that little thing that you're having self-doubt about.Tell yourself positive affirmations they don't need to be wanky, what about "I've got this!"Do something every day that makes you feel accomplished. It could be as simple as making your bed every day or practising your meditation.When in doubt, phone a friend, get a high-five from your bestie. Use friendship and support from others else to help you see past self-doubt.Pop this toolbox of ways to overcome self-doubt in your back pocket. We would love to hear from you, send us an email to carla@themerrymakersisters.com or emma@themerrymakersisters.com or message us