Unspoiled! Legion

Legion, S02E08- Chapter 16



Alright, folks, it's time for us to get serious about searching for Farouk's body. And by "get serious" I mean "wander aimlessly through the desert with no apparent purpose or method". There are certainly scenes in this episode that I liked, don't get me wrong. Pretty much everything with Ptonomy being in the weird tree of knowledge is rad, along with his discovery of the monk and his takeover of one of the Vermillion. I think I like Ptonomy better when he's doing things off-screen. But when it's David, I'm not really loving what's going on. His relationship with sydney is being played in a really strange and unnatural way by both of them this season, and they're not talking to each other in the way that I think human being normally communicate. I get that these aren't your average human beings, but for fuck's sake, sometimes their conversations barely make sense, like they're each hearing a completely different sentence than what was actually said. Of course, what was going on with Farouk was interesting and