Lattes With Leia

Lattes with Leia Show #23: The Middle of the Force



What does it mean to be a Force-wielder that isn't a Jedi or a Sith? In the 23rd episode of Lattes with Leia, we talk about the middle path and why it can be good to draw upon both the light and dark sides of the Force. We dig into what being on that path means for someone's identity and why “Gray Jedi” isn't a thing. Some of the stuff we mention on the show: Art by James Hance Star Wars Rebels: What is the Loth-wolf? Follow Amy on Twitter: @amy_geek Follow Andrea on Twitter: @ArkhamAsylumDoc Share your thoughts on the Force with us! Contact Lattes with Leia: Follow Lattes with Leia on Twitter and be sure to let us know what you think of the show. Please subscribe to Lattes with Leia on iTunes and leave us a review!