Lattes With Leia

Lattes with Leia Show #12: Going Rogue



It's time for the twelfth episode of Lattes with Leia. After discussing what we're most excited about related to Star Wars right now – The Rogue One Visual Guide, a chronological Clone Wars rewatch, and The Princess Diarist – Andrea and I discuss our general thoughts on Rogue One, the characters we most liked in the movie, and how Rogue One affected our views of the Rebel Alliance. The news about Carrie Fisher's passing came after we recorded this month's episode. We are our sorry to lose such an amazing person and heroine, and our hearts go out to her family, friends, and loved ones.   Some of the stuff we mention on the show: Love & Madness hair ties The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide by Pablo Hidalgo and Kemp Remillard Chronological guide to Star Wars: The Clone Wars on   Follow Amy on Twitter: @amy_geek Follow Andrea on Twitter: @ArkhamAsylumDoc   Contact Lattes with Leia: Follow Lattes with Leia on T