Lattes With Leia

Lattes with Leia Show #9: We Choose Anakin



It's time for the ninth episode of Lattes with Leia! Huzzah! This time Amy and Drea dive into a discussion about Anakin Skywalker, his role as the Chosen One, the balance of the Force, and whether Darth Vader was redeemed. Whew. Listen and then share your thoughts on the subject with us. Links relevant to this episode are listed below. Some of the stuff we mention on the show: Star Wars: Ahsoka by E.K. Johnston Star Wars Guess Who (it's out of print, but maybe you can find it on eBay) Is Anakin Skywalker Really the Chosen One? - YouTube video Amy wrote for Dash Star Wars Follow Amy on Twitter: @amy_geek Follow Andrea on Twitter: @ArkhamAsylumDoc Contact Lattes with Leia: latteswithleia@coffeewithkenobi.comFollow Lattes with Leia on Twitter and be sure to let us know what you think of the show!