Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Ep 145: How to Let Go of the Past



Ep 145 | How to Let Go of the Past Letting go of the past can be challenging. It is probably one of the most challenging parts of this Humaning experience here. Situations that we find difficult can significantly influence our daily life along and our beliefs can contribute, maternal and paternal lineages can possibly influence, how we choose to perceive the world can also affect and possibly more - on whether we hold onto the past or allow ourselves to let it truly be in the past.  Some examples of past events that can be difficult to let go of include: Mistakes or regrets Events that were upsetting or disturbing Intimate relationships Perceived successes or failures In this podcast episode, there are tips and tools for how to let go of past traumas and hurts, why doing this can be difficult, and some tools to support you!